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Ginestro Caprera D.O.C. 2008

Produce in Italy
Celebrative wine for the Unification of Italy 1861 - 2011

ぶどう品種: Pinot noir, barbera, croatina

アルコール度数: 13,5% vol.

ヴィンテージ: 2008

Production area
Montebello della Battaglia
after having reached a very ripe stage, the grapes were carefully selected and then put into small stainless steel tanks for fermentation. Maceration of the skins in the must lasted for twelve days. After the pressing-proceedings the wine-must was stored in steel containers for about one month and was then put into small wooden 225 barrels, where it remained for a period of refinement of twenty-five months.
The wine was bottled in the month of March 2011.

Organoleptic characteristics and colour
Colour: intense ruby with purple glints tending towards orange. Bouquet: intense and very persistent. Being a result of grape-blending, the wine has a complex character with an aroma of violets as well as of small faded red fruits (cherry, strawberry, blueberry).
Taste: wide, intense and warm. The tannins are in perfect balance with the constituent components which give the wine a full structured body but make it soft and pleasing to the taste buds. There is a pleasant combination of vanilla and discrete spicy hints in the after-taste.
Suggestions for serving
This wine is ideal for consumption in front of a fireplace (like Garibaldi did 150 years ago in company of the family of the Marquis Pallavicini Trivulzio). As far as the food-match is concerned, the wine goes well with stews and braised red meat dishes. It can also appropriately be combined with pasta dishes such as “tagliatelle” with game meat sauce or with “agnolotti” with stewed meat sauce. Mature cheeses are not to be forgotten.

Serving temperature
Around but not over 18 ° C.

Ginestro Caprera D.O.C. 2008

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